Cake Break is all about enjoying cake with friends and family but Philip Martin this year decided to do just the opposite and leave cake well alone… at least until 3 May!
An amazing achievement
To raise money for the MS Society Philip had a two staged approach, firstly he took up the challenge of a sponsored slim on the run up to May, losing 3 stone and 4 pounds – an amazing achievement. Philip says he feels much better for it and has been awarded the title ‘Slimmer of the year’ by Slimming World.
Philip and his wife Christina, who was diagnosed with MS over 20 years ago, hosted a big Cake Break at their home which was enjoyed by family, friends and neighbours. Many of their guests baked for the event so there was plenty of cake to go around and the last cakes were sold off at the end for people to take home.
Together with help from family and friends Philip and Christina have raised nearly £1400. Amazing!